Season Twenty-two Regular Season Scores
Previous Schedule
Next Schedule
Day 1
Cape Breton Capers 1 at
Sault Surge 2
Fort Worth Fighting Squirrels 4 at
Brampton Capitals 5
Ottawa Valley Wolfhounds 1 at Portland Huskies 1 (OT)
Edmonton Bandits 3
at Thunder Bay Kodiaks 0
Michigan Sentinels 2 at
Toronto Canaries 5
North Dakota Nighthawks 4
at Vancouver Killer Whales 3
Day 2
Edmonton Bandits 0 at
Vancouver Killer Whales 1
North Dakota Nighthawks 4
at Michigan Sentinels 2
Brampton Capitals 2 at
Fort Worth Fighting Squirrels 3
Ottawa Valley Wolfhounds 1 at
Sault Surge 4
Cape Breton Capers 5
at Toronto Canaries 2
Portland Huskies 4
at Thunder Bay Kodiaks 2
Day 3
Portland Huskies 5 at
Toronto Canaries 6
Day 4
Toronto Canaries 1 at
Portland Huskies 2
Edmonton Bandits 0 at
Michigan Sentinels 3
North Dakota Nighthawks 4
at Thunder Bay Kodiaks 1
Ottawa Valley Wolfhounds 2 at
Vancouver Killer Whales 3
Day 5
Michigan Sentinels 3 at
Cape Breton Capers 5
Thunder Bay Kodiaks 5
at Brampton Capitals 3
Vancouver Killer Whales 4 at
Ottawa Valley Wolfhounds 7
Fort Worth Fighting Squirrels 0 at
Sault Surge 2
Day 6
Sault Surge 4
at Fort Worth Fighting Squirrels 1
Toronto Canaries 4
at Brampton Capitals 2
North Dakota Nighthawks 1 at
Cape Breton Capers 2
Day 7
Brampton Capitals 1 at
Portland Huskies 2
Thunder Bay Kodiaks 2 at
Michigan Sentinels 5
Ottawa Valley Wolfhounds 4
at Toronto Canaries 3
Day 8
Vancouver Killer Whales 3 at
Portland Huskies 4
Fort Worth Fighting Squirrels 4
at Cape Breton Capers 3
North Dakota Nighthawks 3 at Thunder Bay Kodiaks 3 (OT)
Michigan Sentinels 5
at Sault Surge 4
Day 9
Vancouver Killer Whales 3 at
North Dakota Nighthawks 5
Ottawa Valley Wolfhounds 4
at Brampton Capitals 2
Cape Breton Capers 5
at Edmonton Bandits 2
Fort Worth Fighting Squirrels 1 at
Sault Surge 4
Day 10
Toronto Canaries 4
at Edmonton Bandits 2
Portland Huskies 2
at Brampton Capitals 1 (OT)
Michigan Sentinels 1 at
Thunder Bay Kodiaks 2
Day 11
Michigan Sentinels 2 at
Toronto Canaries 3
Fort Worth Fighting Squirrels 5
at Thunder Bay Kodiaks 4 (OT)
Day 12
Fort Worth Fighting Squirrels 3
at Cape Breton Capers 2
North Dakota Nighthawks 5
at Portland Huskies 2
Sault Surge 2
at Brampton Capitals 1
Vancouver Killer Whales 4
at Edmonton Bandits 2
Day 13
Vancouver Killer Whales 3 at
North Dakota Nighthawks 4
Ottawa Valley Wolfhounds 5
at Toronto Canaries 0
Sault Surge 4
at Brampton Capitals 1
Thunder Bay Kodiaks 4 at Edmonton Bandits 4 (OT)
Day 14
Toronto Canaries 6
at Cape Breton Capers 3
Thunder Bay Kodiaks 2
at Fort Worth Fighting Squirrels 1
Michigan Sentinels 5
at Ottawa Valley Wolfhounds 4
Day 15
Fort Worth Fighting Squirrels 4
at Michigan Sentinels 3
Cape Breton Capers 2 at
Portland Huskies 3
Sault Surge 5
at Edmonton Bandits 0
Day 16
Sault Surge 3 at
North Dakota Nighthawks 4
Edmonton Bandits 7
at Vancouver Killer Whales 2
Thunder Bay Kodiaks 1 at
Ottawa Valley Wolfhounds 3
Day 17
Brampton Capitals 3
at Edmonton Bandits 2
North Dakota Nighthawks 3 at
Portland Huskies 4
Sault Surge 4
at Thunder Bay Kodiaks 3 (OT)
Vancouver Killer Whales 1 at
Toronto Canaries 5
Day 18
Vancouver Killer Whales 3 at
Ottawa Valley Wolfhounds 4
North Dakota Nighthawks 5 at
Fort Worth Fighting Squirrels 7
Thunder Bay Kodiaks 4
at Cape Breton Capers 2
Day 19
Toronto Canaries 3
at Ottawa Valley Wolfhounds 1
Brampton Capitals 1 at
Cape Breton Capers 2
Sault Surge 2 at Michigan Sentinels 2 (OT)
Portland Huskies 2 at
Fort Worth Fighting Squirrels 3
Day 20
Portland Huskies 3
at Brampton Capitals 1
Thunder Bay Kodiaks 2 at
North Dakota Nighthawks 3
Vancouver Killer Whales 0 at
Sault Surge 3
Day 21
Michigan Sentinels 6
at Vancouver Killer Whales 2
Cape Breton Capers 3 at
Toronto Canaries 5
Thunder Bay Kodiaks 4 at Fort Worth Fighting Squirrels 4 (OT)
Ottawa Valley Wolfhounds 3
at Edmonton Bandits 1
Day 22
Edmonton Bandits 1 at
Toronto Canaries 7
Ottawa Valley Wolfhounds 4
at Portland Huskies 3
North Dakota Nighthawks 4 at
Michigan Sentinels 6
Sault Surge 1 at
Cape Breton Capers 6
Day 23
Brampton Capitals 0 at
North Dakota Nighthawks 1
Fort Worth Fighting Squirrels 2
at Thunder Bay Kodiaks 0
Sault Surge 0 at
Vancouver Killer Whales 5
Day 24
Vancouver Killer Whales 4 at
Fort Worth Fighting Squirrels 8
Toronto Canaries 1 at
Thunder Bay Kodiaks 2
Ottawa Valley Wolfhounds 1 at
Michigan Sentinels 3
Day 25
Cape Breton Capers 1 at
Ottawa Valley Wolfhounds 2
Michigan Sentinels 4
at North Dakota Nighthawks 3 (OT)
Edmonton Bandits 4 at
Portland Huskies 5
Day 26
North Dakota Nighthawks 2 at
Sault Surge 3
Thunder Bay Kodiaks 5
at Toronto Canaries 4
Brampton Capitals 5
at Vancouver Killer Whales 2
Edmonton Bandits 1 at Cape Breton Capers 1 (OT)
Portland Huskies 1 at
Fort Worth Fighting Squirrels 6
Day 27
Thunder Bay Kodiaks 2
at Sault Surge 1
Brampton Capitals 2 at
Michigan Sentinels 3
Vancouver Killer Whales 0 at
Fort Worth Fighting Squirrels 3
Day 28
Toronto Canaries 4
at Michigan Sentinels 2
Cape Breton Capers 3 at North Dakota Nighthawks 3 (OT)
Portland Huskies 2 at Edmonton Bandits 2 (OT)
Day 29
North Dakota Nighthawks 1 at
Toronto Canaries 4
Ottawa Valley Wolfhounds 5 at
Cape Breton Capers 7
Brampton Capitals 2 at
Edmonton Bandits 3
Sault Surge 4
at Thunder Bay Kodiaks 2
Day 30
Sault Surge 4
at Ottawa Valley Wolfhounds 3
Vancouver Killer Whales 4 at
Michigan Sentinels 5
Thunder Bay Kodiaks 5 at Brampton Capitals 5 (OT)
Fort Worth Fighting Squirrels 2
at Portland Huskies 1 (OT)
Day 31
Michigan Sentinels 2
at Fort Worth Fighting Squirrels 0
Portland Huskies 2 at Cape Breton Capers 2 (OT)
North Dakota Nighthawks 4
at Edmonton Bandits 3 (OT)
Toronto Canaries 4
at Vancouver Killer Whales 0
Day 32
Cape Breton Capers 1 at
Brampton Capitals 2
Sault Surge 4
at Toronto Canaries 1
North Dakota Nighthawks 5
at Ottawa Valley Wolfhounds 1
Day 33
Edmonton Bandits 0 at
Sault Surge 3
Brampton Capitals 2
at Portland Huskies 1 (OT)
Michigan Sentinels 5
at Fort Worth Fighting Squirrels 3
Thunder Bay Kodiaks 1
at Ottawa Valley Wolfhounds 0
Day 34
Portland Huskies 2 at
Michigan Sentinels 3
North Dakota Nighthawks 4 at
Edmonton Bandits 5
Day 35
North Dakota Nighthawks 2
at Vancouver Killer Whales 1 (OT)
Brampton Capitals 5
at Thunder Bay Kodiaks 1
Day 36
Brampton Capitals 5
at Sault Surge 3
Michigan Sentinels 1 at
Portland Huskies 2
Ottawa Valley Wolfhounds 4 at
Fort Worth Fighting Squirrels 8
Thunder Bay Kodiaks 5
at Vancouver Killer Whales 1
Day 37
Sault Surge 3
at Cape Breton Capers 2
Day 38
Cape Breton Capers 4 at
Ottawa Valley Wolfhounds 5
North Dakota Nighthawks 3 at Brampton Capitals 3 (OT)
Vancouver Killer Whales 2 at
Toronto Canaries 4
Day 39
Brampton Capitals 2
at Toronto Canaries 0
Sault Surge 4
at Portland Huskies 3
Edmonton Bandits 4 at
Vancouver Killer Whales 5
Day 40
Edmonton Bandits 1 at
North Dakota Nighthawks 3
Cape Breton Capers 1 at
Ottawa Valley Wolfhounds 2
Portland Huskies 1 at
Michigan Sentinels 4
Thunder Bay Kodiaks 1 at
Sault Surge 4
Day 41
Thunder Bay Kodiaks 4
at Fort Worth Fighting Squirrels 1
Brampton Capitals 1 at Ottawa Valley Wolfhounds 1 (OT)
Vancouver Killer Whales 6
at Cape Breton Capers 3
Toronto Canaries 2 at
Michigan Sentinels 5
Day 42
Fort Worth Fighting Squirrels 6
at Brampton Capitals 1
Edmonton Bandits 2 at
North Dakota Nighthawks 4
Portland Huskies 3
at Vancouver Killer Whales 1
Day 43
Portland Huskies 3
at Edmonton Bandits 0
North Dakota Nighthawks 2 at Thunder Bay Kodiaks 2 (OT)
Toronto Canaries 3 at
Cape Breton Capers 4
Ottawa Valley Wolfhounds 2 at
Michigan Sentinels 4
Day 44
Edmonton Bandits 1 at
Thunder Bay Kodiaks 3
Brampton Capitals 2 at
Cape Breton Capers 3
Michigan Sentinels 3
at Sault Surge 1
Day 45
Cape Breton Capers 3
at Vancouver Killer Whales 1
Ottawa Valley Wolfhounds 5
at Thunder Bay Kodiaks 1
Toronto Canaries 5
at Brampton Capitals 2
Day 46
Sault Surge 3
at Vancouver Killer Whales 2
Brampton Capitals 1 at
Portland Huskies 4
North Dakota Nighthawks 5
at Edmonton Bandits 4
Fort Worth Fighting Squirrels 2
at Ottawa Valley Wolfhounds 1
Day 47
Edmonton Bandits 2 at
Cape Breton Capers 4
Portland Huskies 4 at
North Dakota Nighthawks 7
Michigan Sentinels 5
at Toronto Canaries 1
Day 48
Thunder Bay Kodiaks 2 at Cape Breton Capers 2 (OT)
Sault Surge 0 at
Michigan Sentinels 2
Ottawa Valley Wolfhounds 3
at Vancouver Killer Whales 2
Brampton Capitals 2 at
Toronto Canaries 6
Day 49
Brampton Capitals 4 at Thunder Bay Kodiaks 4 (OT)
Edmonton Bandits 2 at
Fort Worth Fighting Squirrels 6
Sault Surge 6
at North Dakota Nighthawks 5
Day 50
Fort Worth Fighting Squirrels 4
at Vancouver Killer Whales 1
Ottawa Valley Wolfhounds 2 at
North Dakota Nighthawks 4
Portland Huskies 1 at
Cape Breton Capers 3
Day 51
Fort Worth Fighting Squirrels 3 at Toronto Canaries 3 (OT)
Vancouver Killer Whales 3
at Portland Huskies 1
Day 52
Cape Breton Capers 2 at
Toronto Canaries 4
Michigan Sentinels 4 at Ottawa Valley Wolfhounds 4 (OT)
Edmonton Bandits 2 at
Thunder Bay Kodiaks 9
Vancouver Killer Whales 3
at Brampton Capitals 2
Sault Surge 7
at Portland Huskies 3
Day 53
Michigan Sentinels 4
at Brampton Capitals 1
North Dakota Nighthawks 1 at
Sault Surge 3
Toronto Canaries 1 at
Fort Worth Fighting Squirrels 2
Thunder Bay Kodiaks 4 at
Edmonton Bandits 5
Day 54
Portland Huskies 1 at
Michigan Sentinels 3
North Dakota Nighthawks 3 at
Fort Worth Fighting Squirrels 5
Ottawa Valley Wolfhounds 5
at Cape Breton Capers 3
Day 55
Vancouver Killer Whales 1 at
Cape Breton Capers 5
Thunder Bay Kodiaks 2 at
Portland Huskies 4
Sault Surge 3
at Edmonton Bandits 1
Toronto Canaries 5
at Ottawa Valley Wolfhounds 3
Day 56
Vancouver Killer Whales 4 at Edmonton Bandits 4 (OT)
Brampton Capitals 5
at Michigan Sentinels 4
Thunder Bay Kodiaks 2 at
Toronto Canaries 5
Sault Surge 6
at Fort Worth Fighting Squirrels 1
Day 57
Fort Worth Fighting Squirrels 3 at North Dakota Nighthawks 3 (OT)
Michigan Sentinels 0 at Brampton Capitals 0 (OT)
Day 58
Fort Worth Fighting Squirrels 1 at
North Dakota Nighthawks 3
Cape Breton Capers 3
at Portland Huskies 1
Day 59
Ottawa Valley Wolfhounds 3
at Cape Breton Capers 1
Toronto Canaries 2 at Thunder Bay Kodiaks 2 (OT)
Edmonton Bandits 2
at Sault Surge 1
Portland Huskies 4 at
North Dakota Nighthawks 7
Day 60
Vancouver Killer Whales 2 at
Sault Surge 6
Ottawa Valley Wolfhounds 4 at
Brampton Capitals 7
Michigan Sentinels 3
at Edmonton Bandits 2
Day 61
Fort Worth Fighting Squirrels 2 at Vancouver Killer Whales 2 (OT)
Cape Breton Capers 3
at Michigan Sentinels 1
Toronto Canaries 3
at North Dakota Nighthawks 2
Portland Huskies 4
at Thunder Bay Kodiaks 3 (OT)
Day 62
Toronto Canaries 2
at Cape Breton Capers 1
Ottawa Valley Wolfhounds 0 at
Fort Worth Fighting Squirrels 3
Thunder Bay Kodiaks 1 at
Edmonton Bandits 2
Sault Surge 5
at North Dakota Nighthawks 2
Day 63
Portland Huskies 3
at Ottawa Valley Wolfhounds 2
Vancouver Killer Whales 1 at
Edmonton Bandits 8
Michigan Sentinels 3
at Brampton Capitals 1
Day 64
Ottawa Valley Wolfhounds 2
at North Dakota Nighthawks 1
Brampton Capitals 3
at Vancouver Killer Whales 1
Portland Huskies 3 at
Cape Breton Capers 4
Day 65
Fort Worth Fighting Squirrels 3 at
North Dakota Nighthawks 4
Sault Surge 6
at Toronto Canaries 4
Day 66
Sault Surge 2 at
Fort Worth Fighting Squirrels 8
Toronto Canaries 5
at Ottawa Valley Wolfhounds 3
Michigan Sentinels 4 at
North Dakota Nighthawks 5
Cape Breton Capers 4 at Thunder Bay Kodiaks 4 (OT)
Day 67
Michigan Sentinels 0 at
Ottawa Valley Wolfhounds 3
Thunder Bay Kodiaks 2
at Vancouver Killer Whales 1
Portland Huskies 2 at Brampton Capitals 2 (OT)
Day 68
Edmonton Bandits 0 at
Portland Huskies 4
Toronto Canaries 1 at Fort Worth Fighting Squirrels 1 (OT)
Cape Breton Capers 0 at
North Dakota Nighthawks 3
Day 69
Toronto Canaries 5
at Edmonton Bandits 2
Sault Surge 2 at
Ottawa Valley Wolfhounds 3
Cape Breton Capers 1 at
Fort Worth Fighting Squirrels 5
Day 70
Ottawa Valley Wolfhounds 2 at
Thunder Bay Kodiaks 6
Michigan Sentinels 1 at
Portland Huskies 2
Day 71
Vancouver Killer Whales 4 at
Thunder Bay Kodiaks 5
Michigan Sentinels 0 at
Cape Breton Capers 2
Edmonton Bandits 5
at Fort Worth Fighting Squirrels 1
Brampton Capitals 3 at
North Dakota Nighthawks 4
Toronto Canaries 4
at Sault Surge 3
Day 72
Edmonton Bandits 3
at Fort Worth Fighting Squirrels 2
Ottawa Valley Wolfhounds 5
at Portland Huskies 2
Toronto Canaries 4
at Brampton Capitals 3 (OT)
North Dakota Nighthawks 3 at
Cape Breton Capers 6
Vancouver Killer Whales 1 at
Sault Surge 3
Day 73
North Dakota Nighthawks 4
at Brampton Capitals 2
Portland Huskies 0 at
Ottawa Valley Wolfhounds 3
Michigan Sentinels 4
at Thunder Bay Kodiaks 2
Day 74
Fort Worth Fighting Squirrels 3
at Michigan Sentinels 2
Edmonton Bandits 2 at
Toronto Canaries 3
Vancouver Killer Whales 8
at Thunder Bay Kodiaks 3
Day 75
Vancouver Killer Whales 2 at
Fort Worth Fighting Squirrels 3
Cape Breton Capers 2 at
Edmonton Bandits 3
Ottawa Valley Wolfhounds 5 at
Brampton Capitals 6
Day 76
Brampton Capitals 3 at
Sault Surge 4
Thunder Bay Kodiaks 3
at Portland Huskies 2
Toronto Canaries 2
at Michigan Sentinels 0
Day 77
Thunder Bay Kodiaks 2 at
North Dakota Nighthawks 3
Michigan Sentinels 3
at Portland Huskies 1
Fort Worth Fighting Squirrels 2 at Toronto Canaries 2 (OT)
Cape Breton Capers 4
at Vancouver Killer Whales 1
Ottawa Valley Wolfhounds 7
at Edmonton Bandits 4
Day 78
Fort Worth Fighting Squirrels 1 at Edmonton Bandits 1 (OT)
Cape Breton Capers 4
at Brampton Capitals 3
Sault Surge 6
at Vancouver Killer Whales 0
Day 79
Brampton Capitals 1 at
Ottawa Valley Wolfhounds 3
Portland Huskies 2 at Toronto Canaries 2 (OT)
Day 80
Ottawa Valley Wolfhounds 2 at Sault Surge 2 (OT)
Edmonton Bandits 2 at
Michigan Sentinels 8
North Dakota Nighthawks 5
at Fort Worth Fighting Squirrels 2
Day 81
North Dakota Nighthawks 0 at
Toronto Canaries 4
Michigan Sentinels 3
at Cape Breton Capers 1
Edmonton Bandits 6
at Brampton Capitals 2
Portland Huskies 1 at
Sault Surge 2
Thunder Bay Kodiaks 6
at Vancouver Killer Whales 1
Day 82
Cape Breton Capers 3
at Portland Huskies 2
Fort Worth Fighting Squirrels 1 at
Thunder Bay Kodiaks 5
Toronto Canaries 7
at Vancouver Killer Whales 3
Ottawa Valley Wolfhounds 4
at Michigan Sentinels 2
North Dakota Nighthawks 8
at Sault Surge 3
Edmonton Bandits 6
at Brampton Capitals 2
Day 83
Fort Worth Fighting Squirrels 0 at
Ottawa Valley Wolfhounds 2
Sault Surge 3
at Edmonton Bandits 1
Vancouver Killer Whales 3
at Thunder Bay Kodiaks 1
Cape Breton Capers 3
at Brampton Capitals 1
Portland Huskies 5
at Toronto Canaries 2
All-Star Game
Sault Surge 2
at NSHL All-Stars 1
Day 85
Cape Breton Capers 2 at
Fort Worth Fighting Squirrels 3
Portland Huskies 1 at
Vancouver Killer Whales 3
Thunder Bay Kodiaks 2 at
Michigan Sentinels 3
Day 86
Brampton Capitals 1
at Fort Worth Fighting Squirrels 0
Edmonton Bandits 4 at
Ottawa Valley Wolfhounds 10
Toronto Canaries 2 at
Sault Surge 4
Day 87
Edmonton Bandits 3
at North Dakota Nighthawks 2
Day 88
Edmonton Bandits 2
at Sault Surge 1
Brampton Capitals 1 at
Toronto Canaries 3
Vancouver Killer Whales 1 at
North Dakota Nighthawks 8
Portland Huskies 1 at
Ottawa Valley Wolfhounds 3
Day 89
Vancouver Killer Whales 2 at
Michigan Sentinels 5
Cape Breton Capers 2 at
Thunder Bay Kodiaks 3
Fort Worth Fighting Squirrels 4 at
Portland Huskies 5
Day 90
Cape Breton Capers 1 at
Michigan Sentinels 6
Toronto Canaries 5 at
North Dakota Nighthawks 6
Edmonton Bandits 3
at Ottawa Valley Wolfhounds 2
Day 91
Fort Worth Fighting Squirrels 7
at Edmonton Bandits 3
North Dakota Nighthawks 5
at Ottawa Valley Wolfhounds 1
Toronto Canaries 4
at Portland Huskies 2
Vancouver Killer Whales 1
at Brampton Capitals 0
Thunder Bay Kodiaks 3 at
Sault Surge 4
Day 92
Fort Worth Fighting Squirrels 4
at Sault Surge 1
Brampton Capitals 4 at
Cape Breton Capers 5
Michigan Sentinels 4
at Vancouver Killer Whales 3
Thunder Bay Kodiaks 2 at
North Dakota Nighthawks 4
Toronto Canaries 5
at Portland Huskies 2
Day 93
Cape Breton Capers 2 at
Michigan Sentinels 7
Ottawa Valley Wolfhounds 6
at Toronto Canaries 4
North Dakota Nighthawks 3
at Vancouver Killer Whales 2
Fort Worth Fighting Squirrels 4 at Edmonton Bandits 4 (OT)
Portland Huskies 4
at Sault Surge 1
Day 94
Sault Surge 2 at
Thunder Bay Kodiaks 3
Michigan Sentinels 4
at Edmonton Bandits 0
Fort Worth Fighting Squirrels 5
at Vancouver Killer Whales 0
Brampton Capitals 5
at Ottawa Valley Wolfhounds 2
Day 95
Brampton Capitals 3 at
Michigan Sentinels 4
Cape Breton Capers 3
at Sault Surge 1
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